March 31, 2016
I love the start of a wedding day. Often it begins slowly filled with sweet anticipation. I’ll never forget the butterflies I had the morning of our wedding day. Honestly it is one of my favorite parts of a wedding day. There is so much joy and often times peace that surrounds a bride as her day begins to take shape and the reality that “TODAY I AM A BRIDE” sets in. Amongst the joy and excitement as the bride and her ladies have their hair and make-up a photographer is somewhere photographing the beautiful details of the bride. The dress, the shoes, the veil, jewelry, invitations, and all of the sentiment and beauty that fills those things.
These details are some of my favorite to capture, especially the dress. There is such a science to shooting a dress, and it is often a challenge that I love conquering and pushes my creativity. The dress shot is so sweet, and I treasure the image of my dress from my wedding, because lets face it, it’s a lot easier to get out the images of my dress rather then my actual dress.
One important part of capturing the dress is the hanger! It’s amazing the difference a hanger can make in transforming this particular shot. You know those plastic hangers that more then likely your dress arrived to you on. You know which one I mean?! Well this is not the hanger you want for your dress shot *sorry ladies*. Although this hanger is great for holding your dress, is not the prettiest one to have your dress capture one.
I do often bring a light wooden hanger of my own “just in case”. It’s important not to forget about this detail in particular. The trend right now is those beautiful keepsake hangers that say Mrs. *Insert Your New Last Name* and I love those hangers to pieces! Props to whoever thought of it, so creative. Etsy is a great place to find these beauties! Really any wooden hanger will do! I’ve had brides in the past use white wooden hangers and personalize them on their own. You can get as creative with it as you’d like, or if you don’t have a lot of time, any wooden hanger really is great, I promise.
One other thing to keep in mind when choosing your wedding day hanger is, to consider if you’d like a photo of bridesmaids dress along with your dress. If so you’ll want to make sure you have enough of wooden hangers for your bridesmaids dresses also. This shot is especially awesome when your bridesmaids are in different dresses or are wearing different color dresses!
Here’s some dress and hanger inspiration below, and a few links of places you can find beautiful wedding day hangers. Enjoy
- Engraved Hanger
- “Bride” Hanger
- Personalized Hanger
- Mr. & Mrs.
- Bridesmaids Personalized Hangers
- Glitter Hanger
*** Don’t forget if you are ordering through Etsy, you’ll want to order several weeks/months before your wedding, because more then likely someone is making these items by hand.