Today is the day that we say “adios amigo” to 2019, and we embrace 2020. The beginning of this decade is when I began to dabble with the idea of starting my own wedding photography business. If you would have told me ten years ago what my life would look like today, I don’t think I would have believed it! 2020 will be our eighth year of working together as a husband and wife team photographing weddings, isn’t that crazy?!?!
I don’t think we can say it enough, we are SO thankful for all of you! Our friends, our family, our clients, and all of you who have cheered us on over the years. Thank you for standing by us these past ten years. We love telling your story, we love capturing your friends and family, and we are so grateful for the opportunity to save your memories. Because they are important. You are important!
One of the embarrassing realities of our job is that we end up with a lot of images of ourselves at work, for the past three years we have been compiling a “Behind the Scenes” look into that year. Let’s just say that it always leaves us laughing at ourselves! I think the ratio of unflattering photos to flattering photos is around 5:1, however there is something we love about all those unflattering photos, because in many ways they showcase what we love most about our lives and business, which is meeting, serving and capturing incredible couples. So without further ado here is our 2019 Behind the Scenes. It was an amazing year!!
If you like what you see in this post, you can check out what 2018, 2017, and even 2016 looked like.
From dress fixing to boutonniere pinning, Hugo is basically a wedding wizard.
Who did it better…
…Janae or Hugo?!?!
That one time we wrapped Bjorn and Jessica in a reindeer fur…and then spent the next ten minutes picking so much fur off of them.
These moments are too perfect for words. 😉
Golden Hour is for Lovers…and photographers.
Photographer, YES! Maid of Honor, YES! Self hair stylist NO.
I’m watching you…always watching.
Professional Photo Bomber…I mean Photographer.
Always trying to impress our daughter after hours.
Part 1: “Janae gets stuck in the middle of the dance floor.”
Part 2 : “Hugo gets stuck in the middle of the dance floor.”
Whatever it takes… I will make your children smile…
…But if I can’t… I’ll bring in backup. 😉
Hi my name is Janae, and I like warm hugs…
Our sign holding, and placement marking is no joke.
“I’ll be there for you…When your boutonniere is crooked…”
“…I’ll be there for you…when you need a glass of champagne for your toast…”
“…I’ll be there for you… because you’re there for me to make your puppy smile!”
Photographic evidence of who really sets up these type of images… Not Janae.
We officialy know how to take a phone pic on every type of phone known to mankind.
I always suspected Hugo would try and run off with the cake someday.
I could do this ALL day!
When Hugo parks the car in Florence, and then has to try and find us in a city he’s never been too…and is successful!
Quality Gentlemen.
Give me life, give me liberty… give me more wedding details!
Our favorite parts of EVERY wedding are the AMAZING people we get to interact with…
Like this, and…
…like this!
When the toasts went long, and the sun is setting…we RUN!
2020 Resolution : Master Veil Installment
In my 2.5 free seconds…you can find me at the grazing table.
In Hugo’s 2.5 free seconds, you can find him setting up for the next photo. 😉
Never fear. Comedian Hugo is Here.
Exhibit A of Janae messing up Hugo’s perfect shot…
…and this is Exhibit B!
Attempted Dress Fluffing NO.1
Attempted Dress Fluffing No.2…Not pictured…Hugo redoing my attempted fluffs.
And then…we took a few decent photos of ourselves….
Unflattering Photos vs. Flattering Photos And the Winner is…
…Unflattering photos!
Thank you for joining us on this little trip down memory lane! If you stuck around until the end we’re grateful. We hope it left you with a few laughs!