August 11, 2021
Sam and Ed are absolutely some of the most amazing people on the planet, we are always so grateful for the wonderful couples that we get to work with, and Samantha and Ed are some of the very best! Last year during the hight of the pandemic we hosted a wedding and engagement photography giveaway for front line works and health care professionals, and Sam and Ed were the recipients of that giveaway. We had so many amazing people enter the give-a-way, and it was very difficult for us to choose. Everything in us wanted to give wedding photography coverage to everyone who entered. All you frontline workers and health care providers, you are AMAZING! We can not thank you enough.
Sam & Ed’s story really stood out to us, and they exuded so much kindness and compassion towards those around them. We feel honored that they choose to enter and receive the giveaway prize. Samantha & Ed choose to have their engagement photos in Central Park, and if you’ve been around here long enough then you’ll know that we love a Central Park photo session. Take us there any day and we will be happy. There is so much variety in architecture and nature, and it’s always bustling with music and art. Samantha & Ed choose this location as it is somewhere they love exploring, and have shared sweet memories together there. This evening was beautiful and bustling, and yet we were able to create images that really felt like a romantic evening with just the two of them.
Samantha & Ed, we are grateful for you. We are so excited for this next step in your story together, we are looking forward to your Brooklyn wedding. It’s going to be beautiful! Thank you for allowing us to get to know you better, and sharing this exciting season with us. We are so thankful for everything you do for your community and those that surround you!