December 28, 2018
How is it that we are saying good-bye to 2018 already! I’m pretty sure I just got used to writing 2018 on all our documents, and now 2019 is just days away. New Year’s is actually one of our favorite holidays! I love the promise and hope of a new beginning, and the anticipation of what is to come makes our heart excited! Stay tuned on 2019 as we take on the skies…
2018 has been an amazing year, and this particular blog post is one that I look forward to every year!! And I know a lot of you do as well! When I first started sharing these, I would look for flattering photos of us in action, but now a days I just love the ones that make me laugh! We never want to take ourselves too seriously, and this blog post is for sure a testament to that very fact!! These images remind me of why we do what we do. We love this business, and more importantly the people that it has brought into our lives. Getting to serve you all is an honor!
We can not say thank you enough! Truly to every person who has supported us, encouraged us, believed in us, and our teams, THANK YOU! To every person who has shared our name with a friend, or who has booked a wedding/photo session. THANK YOU! To anyone who has ordered products, or followed our lives and family. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We are so grateful for you all, and words just don’t do justice!
We look forward to all the BIG things that 2019 holds! Thank you to all of our teams, who have helped us to serve many more amazing couples, we for sure couldn’t do it alone!!!! You all are AMAZING! So without further ado, here is the good, the great, and the VERY silly Behind the Scenes of 2018!
It takes two to make those “under the veil photos” work!
I actually married Hugo for his veil fluffing abilities. He’s just so dang good at it!
I caught a fish THIS big…
Professional photographer…And Wall Climber
Kelly, a true Heroine!
C.A.N.D.Y – The real way we get people to look at the camera. 😉
Wait…you mean you don’t want me in this photo?!?!
I kind of think maybe Shelby & Anthony should teach a class called “How to be AWESOME”
Taking that on-the-job cuddling real serious.
Baby Zara, was the ultimate third wheel this past spring.
Wondering where he can get a bag like this one… 😉
Hi, my name is Janae, and I use unusual hand gestures to get my point across… 😉
Having way too much fun at work…
The man that makes everyone laugh.
Story Time :: Taylor & Brad’s wedding was just a few short days before my due date. We had planned for me not be to there since we weren’t sure how I’d be feeling or if baby would come early. However…I was still pregnant, feeling great, and got to surprise her by shooting part of her wedding!! She is a treasure!
The team making the dream work. 😉
Making that lay-flat extra perfect.
This photo has me laughing so hard, I can’t even caption in…
Kids, look over here… yep right over here at this crazy lady. 😉
Sarah, Keeper of all the good-stuff. 😉
Story time :: Katie & Luke are the sweetest people ever! Their wedding was around six weeks after Zara was born, and we had planned for me to head back to baby girl once the reception started, while Sarah took my place. Right before I headed out they asked to take a photo with us. These two are the BEST!
Hugo, doubling as an adorable bridesmaid.
Can I take him home…PLEASSSSSSE
Getting cozy…again.
Always trying to go home with that bouquet. 😉
Farm Fields. Golden Hour. #allourdreamscomingtrue
I spy with my little eye…
Don’t worry…there is cake right around the corner. 😉
Hugo knows what to do with them stray flowers…
Everyone slide to the left…. 😉
What’s nots showcased in all those bridal portraits….this statue.
The 112th time I was somewhere I shouldn’t be. 😉
That one time Kenia’s mom INSISTED I sit down…
Yes, I did marry the perfect man…
I’ll just be over here holding up this invisible cake…or is it a pie?!?!
That one time I matched the bridesmaids. 😉
Gotta practice for that first dance.
The face you make when they ask you to hold the grandpa and grandma’s drinks…
Veil removal, requiring all my powers of concentration.
This special moment brought to you by…Erin & Sean…And Hugo?!?!
Leading the way to “First Look” or Inventing a new dance move?!?! One will never know.
When those flowers fit in perfectly with your attire. 😉
Nothing funny to say about this one. Simeon just looks straight up cool!
Landscaper by day. Photographer…AND Landscaper by night.
You haven’t seen true excitement, till you’ve seen a florist bring me leftover blooms for details photos.
There ain’t party like a veil party…cause a veil party don’t stop…
That one time kittens showed up to the wedding…
The new Janae Rose Photography Mascot? For SURE 😉
Victim of my test shots.
Head. SHOULDERS…knees and toes…
My favorite type of multi-tasking.
I promise, I only drank one cup of coffee…I mean three 🙂
What we look like at the end of a two wedding weekend. Super GLAMOROUS. 😉
The male side of this business dominating at veil placement.
When you get swept onto the dance floor…
Always that short lady…
Wind has got nothing on Katerina & Brady…and me on the other hand..not so much.
If anyone can make them babies smile it’s Sarah.
Kelly & Andrei working their magic. If you don’t know these two you’re missing out. 😉
So sad I don’t have more images of this DREAM team. Maybe next year. 😉
When boutonnieres fail, Hugo will be there!
You have no idea how many photos we have of me and my “crazy hands”. 😉
Veils aren’t just for brides, right?!?!
My face clearly saying, that I can not handle Mother-Daughter dances…
Man’s best…friendogtographer?!?!
This portion of the Behind the Scenes is called “People Looking Like They are Running For Their Lives”
A real life “This Is Us” moment… Hugo fluffing his sister’s wedding dress. #excusemewhileigocry
It takes a village.
This has been another episode of, “People Looking Like They are Running For Their Lives”
…AND another.
Wedding day PDA isn’t just for brides and grooms, right?!?!
…The things we make Sarah do.
Promise we’ll never make you take another photo again David…well at least not for the next twenty seconds. 😉
Why would you ever look at the camera when Abuelito is wearing a flower on his jacket. She was set on eating that flower!
I would like to wrap this up by saying… F-O-O-D!!!!!